The offices of COST-EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS InfoTech are in Belmont, California, located
midway between San Francisco and San Jose on the San Francisco Peninsula, on the Northern
edge of Silicon Valley near Oracle corporate headquarters. We service clients throughout
Northern California, and elsewhere as required. Almost all of our Clients fit into one of
two major categories:
Fortune 1000 companies and other large organizations, usually with over
1,000 mainframe users (about 90% of our clientele), including these:
insurance companies,
a major utility,
pharmaceutical companies,
software development companies,
biotech companies,
stock brokerage,
Pacific Coast Stock Exchange
Small businesses with 100 or fewer employees that wish to:
use their existing computer systems in a more cost-effective manner,
implement or upgrade a Local Area Network (LAN),
implement customized accounting systems, and/or
implement new computer software or complete systems.
connect to the Internet (possibly with their own domain name and website, designed and
created by us),
The primary objective
of COST-EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS InfoTech is to save each client time and money. If we do so,
we know that our own business will increase, as the client company reaps the benefit of a good return
on their investment, and we enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done. As proof, we have several
clients for whom we've had multiple contracts
We are confident enough in our abilities to save our client companies time and money that we
guarantee the minimum Return On Investment, including reduced expenses and/or
increased revenues (direct and indirect), will, within 3 years, be at least double what we have
invoiced, so long as our work products continue to be used throughout that period.
Typically, the ROI in that time period is 8 to 10 times our invoice total, often even
Our approach is to learn what our clients' business objectives and problems are, and what their
technical and/or accounting problems are, then design and implement business solutions (which
typically are a combination of technical improvements and modifications to existing practices).
COST-EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS InfoTech has many years of proven expertise in:
Design, configuration, installation and upgrades of our own "front-end" Security Administration system,
ASA/TSSTM, since 1986
This ISPF-based product interfaces with CA-TSS and CA-ENF under MVS-OS/390, and with all major
z/OS-MVS-OS/390 subsystems, such as TSO and CICS, as well as with VAX and UNIX systems networked
with MVS-OS/390 and z/OS systems. It is also adaptable to RACF and to Microsoft system
administration tools for LANs. Three of our corporate clients have ASA/TSS
installed. In one case, the client company has saved more than 85% of its security
administration time by using ASA/TSS to replace their prior security
administration procedures. One of the results was the immediate elimination of a planned
addition to their Security Adminstration staff and the eventual elimination of another position
via attrition. Please contact us
today for details about ASA/TSS.
Comparing Mainframe Security Products
This article was inspired by the following question on a Mainframe Security Gurus
online forum: "MAINFRAMERS! What is your primary mainframe security package?"
Training owners and/or staff in basic double-entry accounting, with an emphasis
on differences between business and personal accounting, especially as related to
taxes and business legal obligations
This article was inspired by the following question on a Mainframe Security Gurus
online forum: "MAINFRAMERS! What is your primary mainframe security package?"
Find which colors are compatible with all browsers and which will also display
most quickly whenever anyone opens one of your webpages. This page is a quick
Choose from among the 216 colors that are compatible with all browsers and that will
display most quickly whenever anyone opens one of your webpages. This page is a complete
reference to them all.
Many subjects: Business, Jobs & Career, Internet Safety, Fun Stuff, Stockbrokers
& such, September 11th, etc. This webpage will be sporadically updated.
In building this website we discovered many website building tips, tutorials, etc. We
thought it good to share them.
Thanks for visiting us!
Currently rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau
Honor Role Member 2003-2007 Golden Gate Better Business Bureau
(We discontinued our membership in 2008 due to increased dues.)
We support
full browser compatibility for all of our web pages. This webpage should
display correctly on all browsers released within the last 10 years. Please
e-mail us if you
discover anything wrong with this page (invalid links, image failures, non-compliant
code, etc.). Thank you. Bruce Grant, COST-EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS InfoTech